

LogiPro WordPress Theme

LogiPro is a powerful tool to help your brand grow even more. With amazing features that are simple and easy to use. Build any corporate site style without code knowledge.

Amazing Homepages

A wide array of distinct and creative homepages is at your disposal. Make your choice and quickly set up a beautiful looking website.

LogiPro. You'll Love it!

LogiPro is a fully responsive WordPress theme that allows you to build a professional-looking website for your transportation company. Crafted with care, this logistics template comes with a clean code and a great documentation. A captivating design, social options, Google maps integration, multiple color options, and lots of other features will help you to promote your shipping company all over the web! Enjoy!

Handcrafted Realistic Inner Pages

A set of beautiful inner pages included with LogiPro ensures full customizability and lets you create your dream website.

© LogiPro 2023 Design & Development by FreeVision Themes